Statements, Declarations, and Control Structures¶

Statements and Declarations¶

The following codification samples are all equivalent, and illustrate the use of comments and working with integer variables:


                                    --                  --  Ada computer program to declare and modify Integers                  --                  procedure                  Main                  is                  --  Versatile declarations                  A                  ,                  B                  :                  Whole number                  :=                  0                  ;                  C                  :                  Whole number                  :=                  100                  ;                  D                  :                  Integer                  ;                  begin                  --  Ada uses a regular assignment statement for incrementation.                  A                  :=                  A                  +                  1                  ;                  --  Regular addition                  D                  :=                  A                  +                  B                  +                  C                  ;                  death                  Main                  ;                


                                    /*                                      *  C++ program to declare and modify ints                                      */                  int                  chief                  (                  int                  argc                  ,                  const                  char                  *                  argv                  [])                  {                  //  Variable declarations                  int                  a                  =                  0                  ,                  b                  =                  0                  ,                  c                  =                  100                  ,                  d                  ;                  //  C++ shorthand for incrementation                  a                  ++                  ;                  //  Regular addition                  d                  =                  a                  +                  b                  +                  c                  ;                  }                


                                    /*                                      *  Java program to hold and alter ints                                      */                  public                  course of instruction                  Main                  {                  public                  static                  void                  main                  (                  String                  []                  argv                  )                  {                  //  Variable declarations                  int                  a                  =                  0                  ,                  b                  =                  0                  ,                  c                  =                  100                  ,                  d                  ;                  //  Java tachygraphy for incrementation                  a                  ++                  ;                  //  Regular add-on                  d                  =                  a                  +                  b                  +                  c                  ;                  }                  }                

Statements are terminated by semicolons in all three languages. In Ada, blocks of code are surrounded by the undemonstrative words begin and stop rather than away wavy braces. We can use both multi-delineate and single-ancestry annotate styles in the C++ and Coffee codification, and only single-short letter comments in the Ada code.

Ada requires variable declarations to be made in a specific area called the declarative part, seen here before the begin keyword. Multivariate declarations start with the identifier in Ada, as opposed to start with the type American Samoa in C++ and Java (also note ADA's use of the : separator). Specifying initializers is different A well: in Ada an initialization expression can apply to multiple variables (but will atomic number 4 evaluated separately for each), whereas in C++ and Java each variable is initialized individually. Altogether three languages, if you habituate a function as an initializer and that function returns different values along every invocation, each adaptable will get initialized to a different value.

Rent's move on to the imperative statements. Ada does not provide ++ operating theater -- shorthand expressions for increment/decrease operations; it is necessary to use a full assignment statement. The := symbol is old in Ada to perform value assignment. Unlike C++'s and Java's = symbol, := send away not be used as part of an expression. And then, a statement like A := B := C ; doesn't add up to an Adenosine deaminase compiler, and neither does a article wish if A := B then ... . Both are compile-clip errors.

You can nest a block of code within an outer block if you wish to produce an inner scope:

                                    with                  Ada.Text_IO                  ;                  use of goods and services                  Ada.Text_IO                  ;                  procedure                  Important                  is                  begin                  Put_Line                  (                  "Before the inner block"                  );                  declare                  Alpha                  :                  Integer                  :=                  0                  ;                  begin                  Alpha                  :=                  Alpha                  +                  1                  ;                  Put_Line                  (                  "In real time inside the inner block"                  );                  end                  ;                  Put_Line                  (                  "After the inner choke up"                  );                  end                  Main                  ;                

It is OK to suffer an empty declarative split or to leave off the declarative portion entirely — just starting signal the inner block with begin if you have No declarations to piss. However it is not OK to wealthy person an empty succession of statements. You must at least provide a null ; statement, which does nothing and indicates that the omission of statements is intentional.


The use of the if command:


                                    if                  Varied                  >                  0                  so                  Put_Line                  (                  " > 0 "                  );                  elsif                  Variable quantity                  <                  0                  then                  Put_Line                  (                  " < 0 "                  );                  else                  Put_Line                  (                  " = 0 "                  );                  end                  if                  ;                


                                    if                  (                  Variable                  >                  0                  )                  cout                  <<                  " > 0 "                  <<                  endl                  ;                  else                  if                  (                  Variable                  <                  0                  )                  cout                  <<                  " < 0 "                  <<                  endl                  ;                  else                  cout                  <<                  " = 0 "                  <<                  endl                  ;                


                                    if                  (                  Variable                  >                  0                  )                  System                  .                  out                  .                  println                  (                  " > 0 "                  );                  else                  if                  (                  Variable                  <                  0                  )                  Organisation                  .                  unconscious                  .                  println                  (                  " < 0 "                  );                  else                  Scheme                  .                  out                  .                  println                  (                  " = 0 "                  );                

In ADA, everything that appears 'tween the if and then keywords is the provisory expression — no parentheses required. Comparison operators are the identical, omit for equality ( = ) and inequality ( /= ). The English wrangle non , and , and or substitute the symbols ! , & , and | , respectively, for playing mathematician operations.

It's more customary to use && and || in C++ and Java than &ere; and | when writing boolean expressions. The remainder is that && and || are short-circuit operators, which evaluate price alone As necessary, and & and | will categorically appraise altogether terms. In Adenosine deaminase, and and or will appraise all terms; and then and operating theatre else direct the encyclopedist to apply short circuit evaluation.

Here are what switch/guinea pig statements look like:


                                    case                  Variant                  is                  when                  0                  =>                  Put_Line                  (                  "Zero"                  );                  when                  1                  ..                  9                  =>                  Put_Line                  (                  "Positive Digit"                  );                  when                  10                  |                  12                  |                  14                  |                  16                  |                  18                  =>                  Put_Line                  (                  "Even Number betwixt 10 and 18"                  );                  when                  others                  =>                  Put_Line                  (                  "Something else"                  );                  goal                  case                  ;                


                                    switch                  (                  Variable                  )                  {                  case                  0                  :                  cout                  <<                  "Zipp"                  <<                  endl                  ;                  break                  ;                  case                  1                  :                  casing                  2                  :                  pillow slip                  3                  :                  case                  4                  :                  case                  5                  :                  case                  6                  :                  case                  7                  :                  event                  8                  :                  slip                  9                  :                  cout                  <<                  "Positive Digit"                  <<                  endl                  ;                  snap off                  ;                  case                  10                  :                  sheath                  12                  :                  case                  14                  :                  case                  16                  :                  case                  18                  :                  cout                  <<                  "Flat Number 'tween 10 and 18"                  <<                  endl                  ;                  break                  ;                  default                  :                  cout                  <<                  "Something else"                  ;                  }                


                                    switch                  (                  Variable                  )                  {                  causa                  0                  :                  System                  .                  out                  .                  println                  (                  "Zero"                  );                  break                  ;                  caseful                  1                  :                  case                  2                  :                  case                  3                  :                  case                  4                  :                  case                  5                  :                  suit                  6                  :                  case                  7                  :                  case                  8                  :                  case                  9                  :                  System                  .                  out                  .                  println                  (                  "Positive Digit"                  );                  better                  ;                  case                  10                  :                  instance                  12                  :                  case                  14                  :                  case                  16                  :                  case                  18                  :                  System                  .                  impermissible                  .                  println                  (                  "Even Number between 10 and 18"                  );                  break                  ;                  default option                  :                  System of rules                  .                  away                  .                  println                  (                  "Something else"                  );                  }                

In Ada, the case and end subject lines surround the whole case statement, and each case starts with when . So, when programming in Ada, replace switch with example , and replace incase with when .

Case statements in Ada require the use of distinct types (integers operating room numeration types), and require all possible cases to cost covered aside when statements. If not whol the cases are handled, or if duplicate cases exist, the program will not compile. The default case, nonremittal : in C++ and Java, can be specific using when others => in Ada.

In Ada, the break instruction is implicit and program execution wish ne'er fall through to sequent cases. In order to fuse cases, you can specify ranges victimisation .. and enumerate disjoint values using | which neatly replaces the multiple case statements seen in the C++ and Coffee versions.


In Ada, loops always start with the iteration reserved word and ending with end loop . To leave the eyelet, use exit — the C++ and Java equivalent being fall apart . This statement can set apart a terminating circumstance exploitation the exit when sentence structure. The loop opening the block can be preceded by a while or a for .

The while loop is the simplest one, and is very similar across each three languages:


                                    while                  Variable                  <                  10_000                  coil                  Variable                  :=                  Variable                  *                  2                  ;                  end                  loop                  ;                


                                    while                  (                  Variable                  <                  10000                  )                  {                  Variable                  =                  Variable                  *                  2                  ;                  }                


                                    while                  (                  Versatile                  <                  10000                  )                  {                  Shifting                  =                  Variable                  *                  2                  ;                  }                

ADA's for curl, withal, is quite different from that in C++ and Java. It always increments or decrements a loop index inside a discrete range. The loop index (or "loop parameter" in Ada parlance) is local to the scope of the loop and is implicitly incremented or decremented at each iteration of the eyelet statements; the political platform cannot directly change its value. The type of the loop parameter is derived from the range. The range is always given in ascending order even if the loop iterates in descending order. If the opening bound is greater than the ending bound, the interval is considered to be empty and the cringle table of contents will non represent executed. To specify a loop iteration in decreasing tell, economic consumption the reverse reserved formulate. Here are examples of loops going in both directions:


                                    --  Outputs 0, 1, 2, ..., 9                  for                  Variable                  in                  0                  ..                  9                  loop                  Put_Line                  (                  Integer                  '                  Image                  (                  Varying                  ));                  oddment                  loop                  ;                  --  Outputs 9, 8, 7, ..., 0                  for                  Variable                  in                  reverse                  0                  ..                  9                  loop                  Put_Line                  (                  Integer                  '                  Image                  (                  Variable quantity                  ));                  finish                  grummet                  ;                


                                    //  Outputs 0, 1, 2, ..., 9                  for                  (                  int                  Variable                  =                  0                  ;                  Variable                  <=                  9                  ;                  Protean                  ++                  )                  {                  cout                  <<                  Variable                  <<                  endl                  ;                  }                  //  Outputs 9, 8, 7, ..., 0                  for                  (                  int                  Inconstant                  =                  9                  ;                  Variable                  >=                  0                  ;                  Variable                  --                  )                  {                  cout                  <<                  Variable                  <<                  endl                  ;                  }                


                                    //  Outputs 0, 1, 2, ..., 9                  for                  (                  int                  Variable                  =                  0                  ;                  Variable                  <=                  9                  ;                  Variable                  ++                  )                  {                  System                  .                  out                  .                  println                  (                  Variable                  );                  }                  //  Outputs 9, 8, 7, ..., 0                  for                  (                  int                  Variable                  =                  9                  ;                  Variable                  >=                  0                  ;                  Variable                  --                  )                  {                  System                  .                  outgoing                  .                  println                  (                  Unsettled                  );                  }                

Ada uses the Integer type's ' Image attribute to convert a numerical value to a Drawstring. In that respect is no unstated conversion between Whole number and String as there is in C++ and Java. We'll have a more in-depth look at much attributes by and by happening.

It's prosperous to express iteration over the table of contents of a container (for example, an lay out, a leaning, or a map) in Ada and Java. For good example, assuming that Int_List is defined as an array of Whole number values, you can use:


                                    for                  I                  of                  Int_List                  loop                  Put_Line                  (                  Integer                  '                  Image                  (                  I                  ));                  end                  loop                  ;                


                                    for                  (                  int                  i                  :                  Int_List                  )                  {                  System                  .                  impermissible                  .                  println                  (                  i                  );                  }